Placeholder blog post

This is simply a placeholder blog post. It includes a series of HTML markups that you should style, starting with titles (we start at h3 as h1 and h2 are reserved respectively for the site tile and the title of the current page):

Header level 3 (h3)

Header level 4 (h4)

When you want to quote people smarter than you 9or not):

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We’ll obviously need code blocks:

function awesomeFunction(message)  {
    return console.log(message);

var myMessage = "A piece of code";

Tables of course:

ThingStuffOther stuff
Bogus 1Just bogus dataA longer bogus you need to make sure looks good string.
Bogus 2Just bogus dataA longer bogus you need to make sure looks good string.
Bogus 3Just bogus dataA longer bogus you need to make sure looks good string.

There is obviously italic and bold styles, as well as unordered lists:

  • One item,

  • Another item,

    • A sub-item,
    • And another one,
  • One last item,

And ordered lists:

  1. One item,

  2. Another item,

    1. A sub-item,
    2. And another one,
  3. One last item,

Let’s not forget links to stuff as well as pictures:

Alternative text

Tags: Just a tag, Awesomer tag